Functional Organic Materials
University of Turin
Italian Photochemistry Meeting 2021​
(Torino, 16-18 December 2021)
The Italian Photochemistry Meeting 2021 organized by the Italian Group of Photochemistry (GIF) and the Interdivisional Group of Photochemistry of the Italian Chemical Society (GIdF) will be held from December 16th to December 18th, 2021 in Torino.
The purpose of the annual meeting of the Italian Photochemistry Society is to bring together researcher who are interested in exploring the link between chemistry, material science and biology. The conference will focus on the interaction of light with molecules covering fields as photophysics, fotobiochemistry, photography, spectroscopy, radiation chemistry.
The Meeting Programme is available here
The Meeting Book of Abstracts is available here
The scientific program will include:
Three plenary lectures
Prof. Ruben D. Costa (Technical University of Munich)
Prof. Elio Giamello (University of Torino)
Prof. Aldo Romani (University of Perugia)
Two keynotes from the recipients of the GIF Young Investigator Award 2021
Dr. Alessio Cesaretti (University of Perugia)
Dr. Francesco Pellegrino (University of Torino)
One keynote from the recipient of Premio "Ugo Mazzucato 2021" for the best PhD thesis in photochemistry​
Dr. Sara Angeloni (University of Bologna)
One keynote from a special guest​
Dr. Marina Freitag (Newcastle University)
Scientific Contribution and Awards
The abstracts for flash communications and posters must be prepared according to the template attached to this circular and submitted before 1st December 2021 using the following link:
Acceptance of contributions will be notified by 8th December.
The author of the best oral communication presented at the meeting will be awarded by the scientific committee and sponsored by MDPI-Molecules
The author of the best poster presented at the meeting will be awarded by the scientific committee and sponsored by MDPI-Molecules
The registration must be performed filling the form available on this link (please upload the receipt of payment):
The registration fee covers the participation to the conference, coffee breaks, the welcome cocktail, the lunch and the social dinner on 17th December.
During the online registration, GIF/GIdF members with a non-permanent position can ask for a scholarship covering 100% of registration costs. Who asks for the scholarship does not pay the registration fee until he/she receives further communication from the organizing committee.
The registration fee can only be paid by bank transfer to the GIF bank account at Banca Prossima – Filiale 05000, according to these details:
Beneficiary: Gruppo Italiano di Fotochimica
IBAN: IT41J0306909606100000067181
Reason: GIF Meeting 2021 – Surname Name
Meeting Location
The Meeting will start on Thursday, December 16th at 14.00 and it will close on Saturday, December 18th at 13.00.
The meeting will take place at the University of Torino, Aula Avogadro, Department of Chemistry, in Via Giuria 7, 10125 Torino. The conference site is easily accessible by car, taxi or public transport. GPS: 45°3'4"N 7°40'50"E
Local Organizing Committee
Nadia Barbero (Chair, University of Torino)​
Andrea Fin (Chair, University of Torino)
Polyssena Renzi (University of Torino)
Matteo Bonomo (University of Torino)
Marco Minella (University of Torino)
Ivana Miletto (University of Eastern Piedmont)
Lucia Fagiolari (Polytechnic University of Turin)