Functional Organic Materials
University of Turin

MOF Lab Thesis Proposals
Various thesis opportunities are available for M.Sc. and B.Sc. students in Chemistry, Material Science and Biotechnology.
M.Sc. Thesis
M. Sc. students interested in an experimental thesis can join the group working on ongoing research projects covering the synthesis and applications of new dyes/fluorophores for innovative devices, smart materials, bioimaging and theranostic applications. Thesis request and an agreement plan should be performed at least 12 months earlier the expected discussion session especially for those students interested in the European Erasmus Project. An updated list of the current available topics is reported below, please contact any of the MOF Staff members for further information.
B.Sc. Thesis
B.Sc. Thesis topics cover a broad range of topics from organic chemistry, dyes and fluorophores applications in innovative materials or chemical biology, polymers for 3D Printing and high-tech devices, green chemistry and circular economy. Thesis request and an agreement plan should be performed at least 6 months earlier the expected discussion session. An updated list of the current available topics is reported below, please contact any of the MOF Staff members for further information.